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Poll 78 Updates & More

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Poll 78

  • Increased the number of Coin Pouches you can hold as a reward from the Medium, Hard and Elite Ardounge Diaries by 100%, 200% and 400% respectively.
  • Players can now recolour Crystal Armour.
  • Players now have the ability to make Super Extended Antifire Potions with Extended Antifire Potions and Crushed Dragon Bones.
  • Added the ability to return unwanted untradeables to the Giants’ Foundry Shop for 80% of the original price.
  • The Catalytic Tiara can now be used during Mourning's End Part II to access the Death Altar.

Wilderness Boss Rework

Hotfixes from Last Week:

  • Fixed an issue where the Ursine Chainmace's Special Attack did no damage against Wilderness Bosses.
  • Players can no longer avoid the slow effect from the Ursine Chainmace's Special Attack by holding the 'toggle walk/run' key.
  • Adjusted loot tables for each of the reworked Wilderness Bosses.

This week:

  • The drop rates for the Wilderness Boss Reworks have been revealed.
  • Added Minimap icons for the Escape Caves.
  • Fixed an issue where Venenatis' and Spindel's HP bars were moving during their attack animations.
  • Leaving the Escape Caves without 'Auto-Retaliate' turned on will no longer force your character to walk in a random direction.

Secrets of the North

Hotfixes from Last Week:

  • Fixed a bug that incorrectly scaled the Max Hit from the Venator Bow's ricochet damage at 50%.

This week:

  • The newly introduced 'Freeze Resistance' stat has now been rolled out to NPCs across the game.
  • 'Poison Resistance' has also been introduced and rolled out across the game.

Quest Speedrunning: Batch #5

  • X Marks the Spot and A Kingdom Divided have been fully released on Quest Speedrunning worlds.
  • Black Knights' Fortress has been added into Beta on Quest Speedrunning worlds.

Other Changes

  • The Fairy Ring has been updated (again) to remove the glowing beam.
  • The older version of the welcome screen has been de-commissioned
  • The Clan Coffer's capacity has increased to 50m coins. Players are reminded that other clan members with access to the Coffer may withdraw the funds without warning.
  • POH servants are now less prone to getting stuck on scenery.
  • The Fire Warrior of Lesarkus is no longer duplicated when two players summon him simultaneously.

PvP Rota

The PvP rota has moved to Period A:

  • 539 - (US) - PvP World
  • 548 - (Germany) - High-Risk PvP World
  • 577 - (US) - Free-to-Play PvP World
  • 559 - (UK) - LMS Competitive

World 390 (AUS) for LMS Competitive has been activated with this rota.

The PvP Arena is using 'Zerker' loadouts in Ranked Duels and Tournaments this week.

Poll 78

We’re kicking off with the hottest poll results from our most recent Quality of Life Poll!

First up is one of the most requested features: if you’ve completed the Medium, Hard, or Elite tiers of the Ardougne Achievement Diary, you’ll now be able to hold 56, 84, and 140 Coin Pouches, respectively. That’s 100%, 200%, and 400% more Pouches than before!

We understand that some of you would rather not see Coin Pouches in the game at all, but as we’ve stated before, they’re of enormous benefit to our Anti-Cheating Team and we’ll be keeping them for the foreseeable future.

In other news, elf afficionados are now able to recolour their Crystal Armour in the style of their favourite clan using the crystals found at Llianas’s Wares in Prifddinas. There are eight colours in all, and you can recolour each part of the armour separately. Match them all or go full Megazord and run around Gielinor as the powerful ranger you are.

Next up, herbalists are now able to bridge the gap in the Antifire Potion family with Super Extended Antifire Potions, created by mixing Extended Antifire Potions and Crushed Dragon Bones. Mmm – good soup!

Over at Giants’ Foundry Kovac has been persuaded to let you sell back unwanted untradeable rewards for 80% of the original price. To do so, just use the unwanted reward on Kovac to request a refund, as you do for rewards at Pest Control, Gricoller’s Farm, Last Man Standing and the PvP Arena.

Lastly, those of you who have yet to tackle the devilish light puzzle from Mourning’s End Part II will now be able to access the Death Altar during the quest using the Catalytic Tiara.

You can look forward to more QoL improvements from Poll 78 in the next game update, including Magic Secateurs changes and a little extra oomph for your Spell Icons!

Wilderness Boss Rework Tweaks

Last Week's Hotfixes

Last week we made another bunch of changes regarding the recent Wilderness Boss Rework. Most notably, there were two major issues with the Ursine Chainmace’s special attack. One allowed players to avoid the slow effect, and the other was causing the attack to deal no damage against Callisto, Venenatis, or Vet’ion. These issues have now been fixed – thanks for your patience!

Also from last week, we've made a bunch of changes to the loot tables. We’re still assessing each loot table’s impact and value, so these are still not final.

New Changes

Now, onto this week’s changes!

  • Added minimap icons for the Escape Caves found just outside the Wilderness Boss Lairs.
  • Fixed an issue where Venenatis' and Spindel's HP bars were moving during their attack animations.
  • Leaving the Escape Caves without 'Auto-Retaliate' turned on will no longer force your character to walk in a random direction.

And finally, we've got the drop rates from both versions of the new bosses. The drop rate for the Broken Dragon Pickaxe is 1/100 per ore pack.

Normal Bosses Droprate
(Callisto, Venenatis & Vet'ion)
Lesser Bosses Droprate
(Artio, Spindel & Calvar'ion)
Pet 1/2,000 1/2,800
Voidwaker Piece
(Hilt, Blade & Gem)
1/360 1/912
Dragon Pickaxe 1/256 1/358
Revenant Upgrade Item
(Claws of Callisto, Fangs of Venenatis & Skull of Vet’ion)
1/196 1/618
(Tyrannical Ring, Treasonous Ring & Ring of the Gods)
1/512 1/716
Dragon 2h Sword 1/256 1/358

Secrets of the North Changes

We haven’t made any direct changes to Secrets of the North this week, but we have brought a related change to the rest of the game!

The Phantom Muspah introduced a new stat called ‘Freeze Resistance’, which put its chance to be frozen on a scale, rather than a binary value. We’ve decided to roll this out to other NPCs this week!

This won’t affect current gameplay – NPCs will still either be freezable or not freezable – but it opens up more design options for the future.

In a similar vein, we’ve also introduced a new stat called ‘Poison Resistance’, which will determine the chance an NPC has to be poisoned. Again, current gameplay will remain exactly the same.

We’re really excited to see where this change could take us, and we hope you’re excited too!

Quest Speedrunning: Batch #5

X Marks the Spot and A Kingdom Divided have been officially added to the Quest Speedrunning roster! Here are the details:

X Marks the Spot 10 Agility 100 Coins
Energy Potion
Bronze: 3:15
Silver: 2:30
Gold: 2:00
Platinum: 1:45
A Kingdom Divided Tale of the Righteous
The Ascent of Arceuus
The Forsaken Tower
The Queen of Thieves
The Depths of Despair
Architectural Alliance
Recipe for Disaster
Monkey Madness I
The Fremennik Isles
Horror from the Deep
Animal Magnetism
65 Agility
52 Thieving
52 Woodcutting
50 Herblore
50 Mining
38 Crafting
Base 70 combat stats
A Player Owned House in Hosidius
12,000 Coins
8 Stamina Potions (4 in Bank)
30 Sharks (20 in Bank)
4 Super Restore Potions (2 in Bank)
Kharedst's Memoirs
Xeric's Talisman
Defence Potion
Dragon Scimitar
Dragon Defender
Fighter Torso
Dragon Platelegs
Dragon Boots
Helm of Neitiznot
Obsidian Cape
Amulet of Glory
Berserker Ring (i)
Rune Gloves
500 Adamant Bolts
Rune Crossbow
Red Dragonhide Body
Red Dragonhide Chaps
Ava's Accumulator
Book of Law
Bronze: 83:00
Silver: 68:00
Gold: 58:00
Platinum: 53:00

For our next beta quest, we're revisiting the classics and adding Black Knights' Fortress. Make sure to jump in-game, so you can give us your feedback before it launches! If you're wondering why there's only one quest this time, it’s because we've got a real biggun' for the next one, so stay tuned for more information soon!

Remember, you’ll be able to test this quest from any regular Quest Speedrunning world, but they won't be giving you Trophies or best times yet. Let's take a look at the stats:

Black Knights' Fortress 30 Agility
Base 25 combat stats
12 Quest Points (given via miscellaneous quests)
300 Coins
3 Energy Potions
5 Tuna
Bronze: 8:30
Silver: 7:00
Gold: 6:00
Platinum: 5:30

As always, we’d like to give a big shoutout to the speedrunning community for all their help! If you’re looking to get started with Quest Speedrunning or you’re after some friendly advice, check out these fantastic resources:

Fairy Ring Design Changes

The new design of the Fairy Ring.

Turns out you do believe in the Fairy Ring Graphical Update – you do, you do!

We’ve discussed your feedback from last week and we have great news – the team has worked out a player-friendly solution which changes the controversial beam to be transparent until it’s highlighted. This achieves our goal of making the ring easier to click, without having to tilt your screen!

While we’re here, we thought you’d be interested to hear the technical reasons for this change.

Currently, each part of the fairy ring is in a different ‘ground location’, with an extra location in the middle, which is what you click on. If each part had an ‘op’ of its own, they’d stack up in the mini menu – we tried various different solutions for this during the Game Jam, but they all looked bad.

Another complicating factor is that fairy rings are ‘multi-location’, with as many possible states as there are destinations! The same click location is used for every ring. If we made every part of every ring clickable, we’d end up with 192 locations for every colour of fairy ring – and there are at least 40 of those, so the actual count is over 7,600 new locations. Wild, right?

Now, some of you may question why this is such a big issue when Agility clickboxes work fine. Agility works because the click boxes are contained within the courses themselves. The main concern with the fairy rings is that they’re roaming free in the world, and their close proximity to other activities means that a larger invisible clickbox could result in misclicks.

Some of you were also wondering why we couldn’t have the effect toggle depending on whether you were holding, say, a Dramen Staff.

Normally, when we let things turn on and off, we turn a normal location into a multi-location where each state corresponds to a different option. But as we know, fairy rings are already multi-location, and you can’t add another multi-location to determine a different kind of state on top!

Now, we have found a way to combine states and make this sort of thing work, but it’s very complicated, and so we only use it in very specific circumstances.

More realistically, implementing a toggle would mean losing the functionality that tells you the code for your previous destination. We know that this is a huge QoL feature, and we don’t think losing it would be worth it.

That was fun, huh? We hope you enjoyed this insight into the technical complexities of your favourite magic mushrooms, and that the new design is a nice middle ground for everybody!

Welcome Screen Changes

As we announced last week, we’ve said goodbye to the old version of the welcome screen.

For those of you who are unaware, we previously supported two different versions of the welcome screen, with you having the ability to switch back and forth between the two.

In order to make it easier for us to maintain the welcome screen and utilise it in a better capacity we decommissioned the 'classic' version.

Here's a look at the Welcome Screen you'll see.

When we announced this change last week, we had some questions about what we'd like to do with the welcome screen moving forward.

Not everybody keeps up with the news on our website or even our social channels – a lot of you like to just log in and play the game. The banner lets us showcase new releases, guide you towards the latest blogs and content polls, share useful resources for specific player groups, and signpost time-sensitive topics like incoming game maintenance. For free players, we also use it to signpost the benefits of membership, in the same way we do elsewhere in-game. This is how we've used the banner since it was added and we have no plans to do any different after today's changes.

We'd also like to explore the possibility of expanding what the welcome screen can do as we've discussed letting you set a bank pin directly from that screen and the possibility of direct access to the Poll menu.

The image below shows a mockup of what the welcome screen could look like in the future with these additions. Bear in mind this is just a rough mockup, so won't necessarily reflect how things will look once those changes are mind. Let us know what you think!

A mockup design of the Welcome Screen

Other Changes
  • Increased the capacity of the Clan Coffer to 50m coins. Players are reminded that other clan members with access to the Coffer may withdraw the funds without warning.
  • Player Owned House servants are now less prone to getting stuck on scenery.
  • The Fire Warrior of Lesarkus is no longer duplicated when two players summon him simultaneously.

Crack The Clue 3

We're back once again to give you some more direction! Hopefully these hints will help you find the right path and get you closer to the treasure!

PvP World Rota

The PvP rota has moved to Period A:

  • 539 - (US) - PvP World
  • 548 - (Germany) - High-Risk PvP World
  • 577 - (US) - Free-to-Play PvP World
  • 559 - (UK) - LMS Competitive

World 390 (AUS) for LMS Competitive has been activated with this rota.

The PvP Arena is using 'Zerker' loadouts in Ranked Duels and Tournaments this week.

You can also discuss this update on our official forums, on the 2007Scape subreddit, the Steam forums, or the community-led OSRS Discord in the #gameupdate channel. For more info on the above content, check out the official Old School Wiki.

Mods Arcane, Archie, Argo, Ash, Ayiza, Boko, Bruno, Chilly, Crystal, Curse, Daizong, Dylan, Ed, Elena, Errol, Fed, Gecko, Gizmo, Goblin, Grub, Halo, Hend, Hornet, Husky, Jalo, Keyser, Kieren, Kirby, Kurotou, Lenny, Light, Mack, Manked, Markos, Maylea, Meat, Moogle, Morty, Nin, Nylu, Other, Pumpkin, Redfield, Regent, Roq, Ry, Sarnie, Shroom, Sigma, Skylark, Sova, Squid, Starry, Stevew, Surma, Sween, Tide, Titus, Torrance, Tyran, Veda, Vegard, West & Wolfy

The Old School Team.

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