Tithe Farm Updates & More Poll 79!
No more 'Tithe Farm when?’ - it's here! Plus, mobile’s looking a whole lot smoother…
Great news, fellow farmers!
The long-awaited Poll 79 changes to our favourite Farming minigame have finally arrived!
Here's what's changing this week:
- Buh-bye griefing! Tithe Farm is now instanced and solo-only.
- You may now earn points more frequently, and you can bring more seeds in to harvest at a time, so you can reap the rewards of your hard work faster!
- For every 3 plants you turn in, you'll be awarded 1 Point.
- For every 100 plants you turn in, you'll be awarded an additional 2 Points.
- If that wasn't enough, you can now bring in up to 10,000 seeds, so you can keep Farming for longer!
- We've doubled the amount of Bologa's Blessings received when purchasing them from Farmer Gricoller's Rewards Shop.
- Added Herb Boxes to Farmer Gricoller's Rewards Shop.
- They’re also available for Iron players!
- The cost of Herb Boxes is set at 30 Points. However, we value your opinion and are open to making adjustments based on constructive feedback. Let us know your thoughts!
UPDATE: You can expect the final two rounds of Poll 79 changes to roll out in late May and early July, after the Bounty Hunter update next week. Things can always change but we'll do the best we can to keep you up to date!
Let us know which of the remaining changes you want most using the traditional ' INSERT CONTENT HERE > when?’ format.
Let's take a look at the other Poll 79 changes coming your way this week!
Gorilla Warfare
Say goodbye to the frustration of guessing when Tortured and Demonic Gorillas change attack styles, because now there's a clear audio indicator. You'll know exactly when the switch occurs because the Gorilla will let out a bone-chilling scream, accompanied by a menacing sound effect. Please note that this isn’t the case for real-life gorillas.
Additionally, to prevent the annoyance of encountering partially killed gorillas left behind by other players, Demonic and Tortured Gorillas will now reset after a certain period of time without active combat.
Noisier Hunllef
While we’re on the topic of audio cues, we’ve also added some new ones to the Hunllef boss fight!
This nightmarish beast will now growl in varying pitches (how musical!) for a few cycles before changing its attack style. The pitch of the growl will indicate which attack style the Hunllef is switching to, which will let you keen-eared adventurers change your own tactics.
Scaly Blue Dragonhides
Scaly Blue Dragonhides have been added as drops from:
- Baby blue dragons (1/100)
- Adult blue dragons (1/50)
- Brutal blue dragons (1/33)
- Vorkath (1/10)
To clarify, this is an addition to the existing loot table, not a replacement. It’s a win all round!
While we were testing this, we also noticed that turning Hides into Scales could use some love. From now on, cutting any Hide in your Inventory will process any others you have automatically, although it will still be faster to click each one individually.
Now, go take down some dragons!
A new setting has been added to the settings menu which will allow you to turn off item prices on the ground overlay.
Loot Tracker
Following the launch of this highly-anticipated update, we’re pleased to announce that we’ve ironed out a few bugs. The Loot Tracker will now correctly recognise and display the following:
- Pest Control rewards including Coins and Commendation Points.
- The Chaos Elemental pet, whether it follows you or hides in your Inventory.
- Barbarian Assault gambling rewards.
- Logs from Bruma Roots – note that both the source and the loot itself will now appear correctly.
- Herbs from sprouting roots.
XP Tracker
Prior to last week’s update the XP Tracker had a setting which allowed players to toggle it on or off. However, last week this setting got removed. This meant that players who had the XP Tracker turned off before the update couldn’t turn it back on anymore! What a muddle – luckily, we’ve sorted it this week, and players who were stuck in this situation should now be able to find the relevant settings on their next log-in.
Broadcast System
Some of you may have seen strange behaviour from the Broadcast System following the engine changes launched in last week’s update. We hope this gave you and your fellow Clan members a good giggle! Rest assured that the problem has now been fixed.
- References to ‘clans’ in the Soul Wars minigame have been removed and replaced with a clearer message stating that players must be in the same chat channel.
- Renamed the Soul Wars ‘Clan’ waiting area to the ‘Group’ waiting area.
- Activity HiScores that previously had a minimum KC of 10 have been expanded; the new minimum is 5. Players currently in the 5-9 range should find their scores are added gradually after some more gaming sessions. This is normally the part where we’d tell you that this update is part of an ongoing process, but this is the last one! Hooray!
In next week's update, the world switcher will receive new icons! We wanted to give you a heads up before these changes go live.
For clarity, here is the current appearance of the world switcher:
This is how the world switcher will look after the proposed update next week. Can you spot the subtle differences?
Indeed, the new icons are more stylish!
But, more importantly, these new icons will make it easier for players to quickly identify the world type.
Here is the full list of new icons proposed for the game update next week:
The stars have undergone subtle modifications, and notable differences include a skull symbol instead of a star for the deadman world, a clock symbol for the speedrunning world, and the introduction of a purple world marked with a β, indicating a beta world, among others. The icons on the dark blue worlds represent 'no save game' worlds, such as tournament beta worlds or special event worlds, while the green icon represents Leagues, and the icon on the yellow world is for Fresh Start Worlds.
While the new icons were primarily introduced for beta world types, we have also incorporated a few other world types. As mentioned, we aim to convey their nature beyond just using colors.
We plan to implement these updates to the world switcher next week, but we'd like to hear your feedback first. Please let us know if you like the changes and if we can proceed with them. Your feedback is valuable to us!
The PvP rota has moved to Period B:
- 560 - (UK) - PvP World
- 579 - (US) - High-Risk PvP World
- 561 - (UK) - Free-to-play PvP World
- 580 - (US) - LMS Competitive
World 390 (AUS) for LMS Competitive has been de-activated with this rota.
The PvP Arena is using 'Max/Med' loadouts in Ranked Duels and Tournaments this week.
You can also discuss this update on our official forums, on the 2007Scape subreddit, the Steam forums, or the community-led OSRS Discord in the #gameupdate channel. For more info on the above content, check out the official Old School Wiki.
Mods Arcane, Archie, Argo, Ash, Ayiza, Boko, Bruno, Chilly, Crystal, Curse, Daizong, Dylan, Ed, Elena, Errol, Fed, Gecko, Gizmo, Goblin, Grub, Halo, Hend, Hornet, Husky, Jalo, Jerv, Keyser, Kieren, Kirby, Kurotou, Lenny, Light, Mack, Manked, Markos, Maylea, Meat, Moogle, Morty, Nin, Nylu, Other, Pumpkin, Redfield, Regent, Roq, Ry, Sarnie, Shroom, Sigma, Skylark, Sova, Squid, Starry, Stevew, Surma, Sween, Tide, Titus, Torrance, Tyran, Veda, Vegard, West & Wolfy
The Old School Team.