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Community Showcase - May 2023

Written by developer on . Posted in OSRS News

Welcome back to another Community Showcase chock-a-block with your fantastic artwork, letters and achievements!

Remember, if you’re looking for news on our latest updates, the pitches from April's Game Jam, and sneak peeks at next month’s content, you’re looking for the Gielinor Gazette, which you can find at the link below.

And of course, if you’d like to submit your own work to the Community Showcase, you can do so using the survey linked below!

Now then, to kick things off, Postie Pete has got some letters for us!

Postbag From The Hedge

‘Ello everyone! This month I’ve been zipping all over the place, from the Farming Guild to the deepest Wilderness – and that’s not a quick trip when you’ve got no limbs!

Let’s take a look at this month’s letters, eh?

Hi Guildmaster Jane, it’s Zanon here.

Every time I enter the farming guild I always see loads of keen farmers working away planting seeds and cutting trees and generally keeping the guild colourful and nice. But why is it that all us farmers just keep littering the guild with our empty plant pots and diseased crops? Couldn’t there be bins available to dispose of our litter? I think the Guild would look much better without the litter. Maybe you could hire staff to watch out for litter droppers and give the players a telling off if caught littering.

Anyway, thanks for listening and stay safe.?

From Zanon

Hello Zanon!

It’s always nice to hear from one of my farmers. Thank you for all the time you’ve spent working at the guild. Thanks to you, we’ve grown all sorts of exciting new produce.

You’re right, though. I suppose you adventurers are used to leaving things all over the place. Well, we wouldn’t be farmers if we weren’t prepared to get our hands dirty! Don’t worry about all the rubbish. We gather up all the diseased plants and use them for compost. As for the empty plant pots, that’s how Allanna’s been replenishing her stock! We can’t get regular deliveries all the way out here, so it’s actually very useful for us. Waste not, want not!

Thanks for writing,

Guildmaster Jane

Dear Calv (I can call you Calv, right?),

What exactly is your relation to Vet'ion, and why do you just randomly have his skull on your person sometimes? Is this normal skeleton behaviour? Also, sorry for beating you up multiple times.

Sincerely, Fuzzybeetles

P.S. have more loot next time

‘Ello Fuzzybeetles,

Vet’ion and I are just good mates! We were friends back in the good old days. It’d be nice if we could catch up more often, but I understand he’s been busy redecorating his lair.

The thing is, one skull looks much like another. Sometimes when the dark magic binding these old bones together kicks in, it latches on to old Vet’ion’s skull instead! We always have a good laugh about it.

And no worries about the slaying thing, mate! I’ll get you back one of these days, har har.

Be seeing you,


Greetings Grand Vizier Radimus Erkle!

I joined your guild quite some time ago, being an avid fan of quests and adventures. I've even managed to join the prestigious Myths' Guild thanks to your recommendation. You truly are an inspiration to all of us adventures!

Now here is my question, and I hope it doesn't sound rude. It concerns the dungeon below the Guild. Why are the creatures down there so uninteresting? Don't get me wrong, the stores and other services in your Guild are wonderful, but the dungeon is a sad sight. Heroes' Guild has a mighty dragon (and the Myths' Guild a few more), while the Champions' Challenge is (in)famous to us all. The animals and shadow warriors are a bit lacking in contrast.

Is it possible to introduce new creatures down there to make the dungeon a more exciting place to visit?

With warm regards,


Hello there!

Always nice to hear from a Legends’ Guild alum. I’ve heard great things about you from the other guild masters! Glad to hear you’re keeping up with your adventures. You must drop in and tell me about it some time.

To tell the truth it is a bit of a rude question! The Heroes’ Guild has bats too, you know. They’re a dungeon staple. And how much do you think it’s costing us to keep resurrecting those shadow warriors for your entertainment? Necromancy doesn’t come cheap, you know!

Nevertheless, I am duty-bound to take your suggestion on board. As you know, the Guild’s primary interest is in mapping uncharted areas of Gielinor and building diplomatic relations with the people we find there, but I suppose we might find time to introduce a few new beasties to the dungeon.

Come to think of it, I have a cousin in the Hunting trade… perhaps he could do us a deal on some oversized kebbits?

You’ve given me much to think about, Vamppyyri50!

Best regards,

Grand Vizier Radimus Erkle, of The Legends’ Guild

Players Perspective...

What is your best piece of advice for new players?


Take your time! Gielinor has so much to offer, and we often get stuck in a loop of narrowing our focus on the most efficient methods of progress. Don't be afraid to get side-tracked - explore a new area, play an old minigame, join a clan and make friends!


My advice to new players is to go out and have fun, honestly, more than any max efficiency routine to get your skills up. If you aren't enjoying it, it's not the way. Also, herb runs, those things aren't cheap y'know.


Getting your Quest Cape is great for expanding what you have access to in the game. While it may seem like a daunting task with so many quests, and new ones on the way, the goal is a great framework to get you started. You train diverse skills, travel the map, meet fun NPCs, and if you do make it past that final quest, you get one of the best-looking capes and emotes!


Best advice to new players is to do the content and take the route you want. Efficiency guides not required!

Chef Kirby

Free Armour Trimming always comes at a price… your armour!


There is an icon around your Minimap, Activity Helper or something like that. You can click on there to see what to do next, also lots of tutors in Lumbridge who can provide lots of information. If stuck, look on OSRS wiki with lots of help.


If you want the true Old School experience, there's a guy dropping lots of money near the dark wizards south of Varrock.


Do all the free-to-play quests. They are a great introduction to the world of Gielinor.

Next month's question will be: What is your favourite Quest Line in Old School? Make sure to submit your entries by clicking the survey below!


Creation Station

Click on each image to enlarge them.

Video Highlights

You might already be familiar with this individual for his previous Old School antics, but Coxie has been working on a brand-new series by speedrunning obtaining every Old School pet! Episode #4 is out now - and did we mention that this series has been edited by the fantastic HootiTooti and Paakwatch? Give it a look!

If you can't see the video above, you can find it directly here.

If you’re after some longer-form content, why not try out the Sae Bae Cast, a collection of interviews with some of Old School's most renowned players and J-Mods? Currently on its 118th episode, the latest sees player extraordinaire Zulu talk Early Days of OSRS, Inferno Release, Mental Health and Content Creation!

If you can't see the video above, you can find it directly here.

Wanting something a bit more extreme? Then look no further than an UIM Series from CursedSpirit that is locked to content that only came out before 2006, a year that blessed us with the Battle of the Heroes!

If you can't see the video above, you can find it directly here.

Maybe you just want some friends to play with? Well, why not give them some of the best reasons to join the fun with this fantastic video from RuneWraith!

If you can't see the video above, you can find it directly here.

Psst... did you hear the Farmers are back? That's right, the classic group of Faux, Mr_Mammal, MMORpg, Roidie and ZeCookies are teaming back up for Round Two of their Group Hardcore Ironman!

If you can't see the video above, you can find it directly here.

If you can't see the video above, you can find it directly here.

Community Achievements

Our first Community Achievement this month goes to a man known by many different names but one iconic look - big congratulations to Penguinz0/MoistCr1TiKaL/Huge Charles/One of the Charlies for finally maxing!

If you can't see the video above, you can find it directly here.

manurmuzhar has finally gotten their Quest Cape... but at what cost?! (SPOILERS AHEAD)

Getting a Quest Cape is an achievement in itself - imagine trying to do it with just your Inventory! Big props to Fuffle_Fuff for their Ultimate Iron Quest Cape!

Maxing a skill is already a massive accomplishment, so congratulations to The_Pro_Skeleton, who’s only gone and done it twice! This is their second max skill on their quest to max ‘em all, starting with the least popular.

Even though nobody in their Clan saw their achievement, let's give it up for IAmAlwaysHungry and their adorable Baby Mole!

And finally, OhKNate has probably spent a little of this year's RNG budget on grabbing their PB for Hespori at the same time as getting the Bottomless Compost Bucket and 99 Farming. What a way to celebrate!


That's your lot! We'd love to hear your feedback on the newest edition and, as with everything else, if you’ve got any ideas about the sorts of things you’d like to see in upcoming editions of the Gielinor Gazette, then please do let us know via our official forums, on the 2007Scape subreddit, the Steam forums, or the community-led OSRS Discord. For reference on any of the above content, check out the official Old School Wiki.

Mods Arcane, Archie, Argo, Ash, Ayiza, Boko, Bruno, Chilly, Crystal, Curse, Daizong, Dylan, Ed, Elena, Errol, Fed, Gecko, Gizmo, Goblin, Grub, Halo, Hend, Hornet, Husky, Jalo, Jerv, Keyser, Kieren, Kirby, Kurotou, Lenny, Light, Mack, Manked, Markos, Maylea, Meat, Moogle, Morty, Nin, Nylu, Other, Pumpkin, Redfield, Regent, Roq, Ry, Sarnie, Shroom, Sigma, Skylark, Sova, Squid, Starry, Stevew, Surma, Sween, Tide, Titus, Torrance, Tyran, Veda, Vegard, West & Wolfy

The Old School Team.


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