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The E.O.C.

Written by Rider on . Posted in OSRS News

E.O.C. is finally here!

In celebration of Runescape's 15th Anniversary we've brought one of the most important updates to Old School that we could think of and, alongside it, a new Expert Level skill.

It's what we've all been waiting for!

Deciding what updates to bring to Old School Runescape is always an emotive issue, especially in a team as small as ours, but in terms of potential updates, E.O.C. must have been one of those most discussed here in the office.

And it's not just us. Statistically, according to an analysis of the data we have collected in our data warehouse, it's one of the most discussed amongst you, the players, as well.

But there's more!

Of course we weren't content to just leave it at that. This is the year we celebrate 15 years of Runescape after all! There is another type of update that always gets people talking.

A new skill!

But not just any skill. An "Expert Level" skill. A skill that not only incorporates all of your favourite existing skills in a single activity, but a skill with a new level cap of 120!

And it's not just that either. Again, from careful analysis of the data, we've seen growing use of the word "EasyScape", so we've listened. Don't for a second think that you'll be maxing this skill out as quickly as a regular skill. But for those of you who do, there is of course a brand new Skill Cape with its own unique emote. Who will be the first to wear it?

To get started with E.O.C. head to the farm just North of Port Sarim and West of Draynor Village and speak to Kupus Varza.

We think this is a truly unique update, and we hope you enjoy it.

Discuss this update on our forums.

Mods Archie, Ash, Ghost, Ian, Jed, John C, Kieren, Mat K, Maz, Ronan, Weath
The Old School Team