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Retro Skin Suggestions - This Week In RuneScape

Written by developer on . Posted in RuneScape News

Hope you’re feeling creative folks, because we have an exciting task for you – we want you to send us your ideas for new in-game cosmetics! If out-of-game items are more your bag, we’ve also souped up our Merch Store for an even more streamlined shopping experience. Let’s take a look.

Retro Skins
Share your cosmetic ideas with us!

Got a brilliant idea for a retro skin? We know you have. We’ve received some incredibly imaginative player suggestions for new skins over the years. Now we’re bringing the whole community in on the process!

We want you to nominate retro skins for existing in-game items that you would like to see in RuneScape. Send us your best ideas on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit or Discord using the hashtag #RS3retroskins!

It could be any outfit or cosmetic alteration to an existing item, on any theme. Send us your idea by 23:59 Game Time on March 25th. After that, we’ll create a shortlist to put to a public vote.

Read the full blog here.

Merch Store Update
Shopping just got smoother!

You may have spotted a few changes to the Merch Store last week. Our store partner, BSI, has migrated the store to Shopify! This brings a host of improvements, including:

  • Better general user experience
  • Product filters so you can sort by your size, and only see what's currently in stock
  • Local pricing – you can now see exactly what everything costs in your currency
  • Expanded shipping destinations – the store now ships to Brazil, and many more countries!
  • Reduced costs for tracked shipping, especially on larger orders of pins and keyrings to the US
  • Estimated shipping cost from within each product listing, before you add the item to your basket

Further improvements are expected over the coming weeks, so keep 'em peeled!. You can check out the new Store here.

Upcoming Livestreams
News and fun, live from the J-Mod team

Wednesday, March 23rd | 17:00 Game Time | General Q&A

Answers to your burning questions with a veritable team of J-Mods!

Friday, March 25th | 17:00 Game Time | Elder God Wars: What's Next?

Find out what's in store for our heroes in the upcoming Grandmaster quest!

See you on Twitch!

Patch Notes
Fixes and improvements in this week's game update


  • Updated the look of the 20 Year Veteran Cape based on community feedback
  • The Book of Jas was only storing damage for 14 game cycles (8.4 seconds) before releasing it. This has been extended to 17 cycles (10.2 seconds) to more closely match the tooltip.
  • Throwing a Herblore Bomb at an NPC you're not actively targeting will once again re-focus that NPC as your current target.
  • Sign of the Porter no longer fills all the empty space in the inventory when a player tries to wear one with an active sign equipped.
  • The Skillguide entry for Sana's Fyrtorch will now correctly state that it has a 20% chance to cut an extra log, rather than 40%.
  • Each Daily Combat Challenge now tracks kills separately.
  • Dwarf Multicannon, Oldak Coil and Kinetic Cyclone damage upgrades will no longer reset on completion of the Dwarf Cannon quest.
  • Players with a full Backpack are now able to pick up ammo of the same type that they have in their ammo slot.
  • The Luminous Alchemist's Amulet now allows for 20 free High Alchemy uses per day.
  • The title for the Item Production interface now states the correct skill during Big Game Hunter.
  • Noted versions of fungus from the Croesus Front can now be used as food in player-owned farms.
  • The Land of the Goblins quest will no longer use the desktop dialogue window when playing on mobile.
  • Old returning accounts will no longer be stuck in the void upon login, and will instead be correctly teleported to Burthorpe!
  • Modified the required items description in The Tale of Muspah quest overview.
  • Prodding the sick-looking sheep now plays the correct sound.
  • Yak Track's 'Skill and Kill' task will now progress correctly when killing TzKal-Zuk's minions.
  • Fixed an issue with several legendary pets appearing only at adult form in a POH menagerie.
  • Made improvements to legacy auto-attack hitsplats to make them visually different to legacy ability hitsplats
  • Fixed a graphical issue where the ice in the Myths of the White Lands quest would appear as water.
  • Fixed an issue where players would be stuck for a long time before entering the Oo'glog pools while having a Blood Reaver familiar.
  • Added a different cursor icon when selecting to throw a Herblore Bomb.

Engine Updates

  • Fixed a bug where Herby Werby particles were not displayed.
  • Improved vertical text alignment when using vector fonts.
  • Improved performance on macOS, iOS and Android
  • Reduced stutter when moving between areas on modern devices
  • Improved water reflections in certain areas such as Anachronia
  • Made improvements to lighting when viewing any models in the User Interface.
  • Improved hitbox accuracy of several areas including the Anachronia and Het's Oasis agility courses, Archaeology sites (eg Infernal Source and Stormguard), and Ranch Out of Time paddocks.
  • Hover text is now correctly displayed.
  • Fixed a crash when unplugging or switching audio devices.

The latest goings-on from our community

Community Showcase

@Mavrick882 has given their World Guardian a glow-up! We love the dynamic use of light and shade. Very ethereal.

@Bz07061 showcasing just how terrifying Kerapac can be! You’ve really captured his grandeur!

u/Wolfdawgartcorner has designed some fantastic Masterwork Seren Infiltrator Armor. We love the sense of bulk and movement!

@WillowayART and their squad are cleaning up the Asylum!

Pink Skirts Events

Each week the Pink Skirts put on a selection of fun activities that everyone can join. Here are the main events this week:

Skill 'n' Chill

  • Hosted by: MadClikr & the Lil Tuzzies Clan
  • Date/Time: Monday, March 21st, 23:00 Gametime
  • World: 85
  • Location: Burthorpe Bank
  • FC: Lil Tuzzies

Nex - Angel Of Death

  • Hosted by: Philly PD, Izofdarkfire, Lilbod
  • Date/Time: Thursday, March 24th, 20:30 Gametime
  • World: 68
  • Location: God Wars Dungeon, Ancient Prison
  • FC: Ahelp

Town Square Q&A

  • Hosted by: Princess Rae
  • Date/Time: Saturday, March 26th, 23:00 Gametime
  • World: 3
  • Location: Varrock West Bank

If these don't take your fancy, take a look at the full events schedule here. There’s sure to be something you’ll enjoy!

- The RuneScape Team

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