Mobile Lobby Updates & Raptor's Rampage Continues - This Week In RuneScape
The social lobby for mobile arrives today, and we've got new cosmetic overrides up for grabs at the Academy of Heroes!
Mobile Social Lobby
Online status, clan chat and more!
Mobile players have been requesting a social lobby for a long time, and today we're happy to announce – you’ve got it!
Your social lobby lets you access your friends, clan chat and more, just like you can on desktop.
Check it out today on all of RuneScape's mobile platforms!
Event: Raptor's Rampage
Chase those rare boss drops
Don’t forget to check out Raptor's Rampage, which continues until the 22nd of January! Head down to War's Retreat and grab your daily buff. Once activated the next boss kill will get three rolls on the rare drop table.
While a few things are exempt from this buff (Telos and Arch Glacor due to their streak mechanics, and any bosses without a rare loot table), it does affect raids and will be consumed on use there.
TH: Academy Of Heroes
Including new Berserk animation update for all players
Academy of Heroes: Treasure Hunter is back with brand new cosmetic overrides! Use keys to deal damage to enemies and snatch rewards - plus bonus loot for defeating them! Each key you use will give you the chance to nab one of the new Cosmetic Override Scrolls. Plus, if you're lucky enough to come across the Echo of Zamorak, you'll get a guaranteed drop of all three new cosmetic overrides when defeated.
Since we were already working on these new cosmetic overrides, we took the opportunity to update the standard Berserk animation, giving it even more pizzazz - it launches today, free for all players! Check it out:

Now, onto the new overrides! There are three to be found within the Academy of Heroes.
First up is a Chaotic version of the newly updated Berserk animation:

Next, amp up your Hurricanes with the new Chaotic Hurricane override:

Or channel some blue dwarf vibes with the Azure Sunshine override!

Academy of Heroes launches January 19th and runs until January 25th.
Maintenance Notice
January 17th on limited worlds
We're conducting some planned maintenance to local game world servers on January 17th.
The following worlds will be offline from 11:00 Game Time, with work planned for approximately 5 hours.
Worlds Offline | ||||
1 | 2 | 6 | 7 | 9 |
18 | 22 | 27 | 29 | 31 |
33 | 39 | 42 | 44 | 45 |
46 | 48 | 52 | 58 | 59 |
60 | 61 | 62 | 64 | 66 |
70 | 76 | 77 | 79 | 89 |
103 | 104 | 116 | 117 | 210 |
211 | 212 | 213 | 214 |
No other worlds will be offline, and no other disruptions are expected.
Frank's Free Chest
Start the year with loot!
Quick reminder for members! Every day you log in, or hour you play, will earn you a Pirate Key for Frank's Free Chest – with a max of 12 up for grabs each week.
Head to Port Sarim to meet with Frank, spend your keys and score a random selection of loot. If you're very lucky that could mean Uncharted Island Maps or 100 Million GP!
Earn keys until January 31st and claim your loot from February 1st.
Patch Notes
Fixes and improvements in this week's game update
Death Costs
- A Phoenix necklace will no longer reset the cooldown and effect of the Ring of Death.
- The Ring of Death's 'Return to Life' passive no longer prevents player from looting boss corpses and chests after the fight.
- Buyers on the Grand Exchange no longer see how much the seller is receiving after tax.
- Hardcore Iron players will once again retain their protected items on death.
Master Quest Cape
- The teleports from the Master Quest Cape can now be accessed from the regular Quest Point Cape as well.
- Updated the requirements of the following existing achievements:
- Scabigail
- Added the requirement to show the completed Scarbaras research to Abigail.
- All Rise
- Added the requirement to collect the gavel and title rewards from the courthouse clerk after finishing all court cases.
- Keeping Up with the Carnilleans
- Added the 8th experience Lamp, which you can claim from Philipe after getting at least 400 Quest Points.
- Added the following existing achievements to the requirements for the Master Quest Cape:
- Armadylean Expert
- Bandosian Expert
- Bar Crawl (miniquest)
- Benedict's World Tour, Part 1
- Benedict's World Tour, Part 2
- Bill & Ben's Egg/Salon Joint Venture
- Castaways of the Arc
- Curses!
- Data Recovery
- Dragonkin Expert
- God Wars
- Goebie One with the Wildlife
- Home is Where the God is
- Milk of Chocolate, Snape of Grass
- My Precious!
- New Varrock Set Tasks - Easy
- New Varrock Set Tasks - Medium
- New Varrock Set Tasks - Hard
- New Varrock Set Tasks - Elite
- No Secrets Left to Steal
- Pane in the Glass
- Saradominist Expert
- Stone Cold Observers
- That's a Lot of Books
- The Elder Ring
- The General's Shadow (miniquest)
- The Hunt for Surok (miniquest)
- The Lost Toys (miniquest)
- The Worst Witch's Grimoire
- Through the Eye of the Needle
- Zamorakian Expert
- Zarosian Expert
- Added the following new achievements to the achievements list and the requirements for the Master Quest Cape:
- A Cultist's Journey
- Lore Hunter
- Mage Arena
- Take it to Sir Tiffy in a Jiffy
- Research Director
- Dark Reading Material
- Are You The Keymaster?
- Carnillean Riches
- Culinary Exchange
- Diamonds in the Dung
- Fly You Fool
- Free Beer Here
- Goulash! Get Your Free Goulash!
- Is He Chipped?
- It's Like God Book Illuminations in Here
- Jas not Meant for Mortal Hands
- Let's Hope it Doesn't Un-Shrink
- Miniature Monolith Maestro
- Now That's What I Call a Dead Parrot
- Pure Newbstalgia
- Red Sky All the Time, Shepherds Confused
- Scorpvino
- Shell-Shocked
- Sliske's New Game Plus
- The Firemaker's Pet
- Two Rites Don't Make a Wrong
- Nex: Angel of Death Chest drop rate has been improved from 5,000 down to 1024, per chest. Chests will now drop in order, with any 'gaps' unlocked before being randomised there after.
- Bow of the Last Guardian's auto attack damage is now correctly calculated.
- Dev Comment : All weapons of the same level should have equal damage values, meaning that DPM is the same regardless of style. The Bow of the Last Guardian was set up incorrectly so the bow itself was doing all of the damage of a level 95 weapon, and then the damage from the arrows was being added on top for even more! This bug was limited to auto-attacks, so for those of you who have been using abilities you should notice minimal difference overall. - Mod Daze
- Being teleported by Legio Quartus no longer results in being unable to move for a few seconds.
- Globetrotter Jacket now takes players to the correct location when using the compass clue leading to the eastern part of Mort Myre swamp.
- All graphics settings now have a tooltip explaining what the options do.
- Once a walk animation is applied the yellow button is labelled 'Deactivate'.
- The Augmented Banite weapons text changed from Destroy to Disassemble.
- Combined Catalyst fragments can now be used to cure diseased herbs in Herblore Habitat.
- Compost can now be applied to any growing patch.
- Fixed a typo in the Death Lotus story in Player-owned Ports.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from receiving XP when completing the Buyers and Cellars quest.
- Fletching animation is no longer used for hair cutting activity while a tool override is active.
- Gate added in the Graveyard of Shadows.
- Leaving the life alter no longer clears stat effects.
- Aurora variants of Power armours can now be upgraded.
- Players can enter the Cooking Guild with any of the following capes: Trimmed Inverted Cooking Cape, Inverted Cooking Cape, Inverted Master Cooking Cape, Cooking Cape.
- Head Chef now recognizes the Inverted Cooking Cape and the player no longer receives the response: 'You can't come in here unless you're wearing a chef's hat, or something like that."
- You are no longer prevented from burning logs on a portable brazier, as long as you have the required Firemaking level.
- You can no longer open Treasure Hunter chests while the promotion information screen is displayed.
- Portable skilling locations can no longer be placed on top of Crux Eqal Knights.
- Players won't receive 'Nothing' as a slayer task anymore.
- You can no longer teleport out of cutscenes in Daughter of Chaos or Civil War III during a fade to black section.
- You can now feed Aurora dyed items to the baby troll.
- Your character no longer attempts to jump twice while trying to pass a leaf trap in Tirannwn.
- Players won't get teleported now when entering the Barbarian Assault building with a quiver.
- The Portable Snowfall override no longer appears as an object in Diango's retrieval interface.
- Ram Skulls now drop properly from rams during the Rag and Bone Man quest.
- The Sasha pet can now be dismissed through the Pet interface.
- The butler will no longer appear inside the throne in a Player Owned House after taking things to the Bank or sawmill.
- The untradable Halo of Returning can now be keepsaked.
- Flame Gloves can now be stored in your Keepsake inventory, with a copy being placed into your regular inventory. Upon removing the item from keepsake, the copy gets destroyed.
- All 'of speak' Amulets can now be stored in your Keepsake inventory. Again, a copy will be created that gets destroyed when the original item is taken out of your Keepsake storage.
- Waterskins can now be noted with Magic Notepaper.
- Updated text when re-entering a dungeon as a group after leaving.
- Resourceful Aura messaging updated.
- Updated the Treasure Hunter promo timer to be more consistent with the timer on the promo info interface, and updated the interface buttons.
- Oddment Store and Terms & Conditions buttons can be interacted with when the 'out of keys' screen is displayed
- Added in boss tactics for Zamorak, Lord of Chaos.
- Scabarite notes no longer clip the ground when attempting to close the note.
The latest goings-on from our community
Community Showcase

This week @rsbandb chat with Mod Jack about Runescape's endgame content ideas.
Having trouble wrapping your head around the death cost changes? @Protoxx has got you covered.
@NuzzNuzz continues spreading the knowledge with some tips on how to make the most of Raptor's boss loot buff!
Scaper's Screenshots

Pink Skirts Player Events
Each week the Pink Skirts put on a selection of fun activities that everyone can join. Here are the main events this week:
Mega Duck Hunt
- Hosted by: Steve20058 & Mega Duck
- Date/Time: Wednesday January 18th, 19:00 Game Time
- World: 39
- Location: Falador Park
- FC: Mega Duck
Nex - Angel Of Death
- Hosted by: Pippyspot & Boss Guild
- Date/Time: Friday January 20th, 20:00 Game Time
- World: 88
- Location: God Wars Dungeon - Ancient Prison
- FC: Boss Guild
Nex - Angel of Death
- Hosted by: Spotleewolf & Nexaodmass
- Date/Time: Friday January 20th, 23:00 Game Time
- World: 92
- Location: God Wars Dungeon - Ancient Prison
- FC: Nexaodmass
If these don't take your fancy, take a look at the full events schedule here. There’s sure to be something you’ll enjoy!