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Necromancy First Look, Golden Cape Hunt, The Beach! - This Week In RuneScape

Written by developer on . Posted in RuneScape News

Necromancy! Today! 16:00 Game Time! Tune in for our first look, content creators’ hands-on reactions and more…

Necromancy First Look
Meet your new skill

Today is the day 'Scapers! At 16:00 Game Time, we’ll be dropping a HUGE Necromancy reveal. Gameplay, info, impressions… the works. From our big Necromancy First Look video to detailed coverage from our cohort of creators, it’s going to be a lot to chew on. We can't wait!

Necromancy: First Look -

Join us for the live reveal at 16:00 Game Time as we dive into Nine Minutes of Necromancy, Necromancy and more Necromancy! Share this moment together with all the other 'Scapers and J-Mods in the chat. Our newest combat skill - it’s going to be emotional!

Creator Coverage

Right after the video finishes, we’ll be serving you a feast of first impressions from our guest Creators, who all playtested Necromancy just a few short weeks ago! Each Creator was able to capture their own gameplay and will be sharing their experiences in their own unique voice. Here's the list of Creators to look out for:

Necromancy First Look: Developer Panel Livestream - May 31st at 17:00 BST (16:00 Game Time)

With a reveal this big, we're sure you're going to have plenty of questions. Later this week we'll be sitting down in the RuneScape Livestream Studio to talk more about the skill and discuss the topics that mean the most to you. Join us live over on Twitch.TV/RuneScape.

What's Next

This is only the first stop on the road to Necromancy - there are still plenty of stories left to tell. As development nears its final stage, we'll be confirming our release date, dropping lore insights and diving into key aspects of the skill in fine detail. This will be the most comprehensive look at a skill ever, but don’t worry - we’re keen to maintain that magic of discovery in the early days of a skill release!

Ready for Necromancy? We’ll see you at 4!

Golden Cape Hunt
A FashionScape flex to celebrate Jagex Accounts

With Jagex Accounts recently entering open beta, we’re celebrating this huge milestone for account security with a special members-only Fashionscape hunt! From Tuesday, May 30th to Monday, June 26th, collect Shards for the new tradeable Golden Cape cosmetic, plus Keepsake Keys and special event buffs with powerful, long-lasting effects.

You won't need a Jagex Account to earn the rewards, but you'll kickstart your hunt for the Golden Cape dramatically by switching to a Jagex account prior to or during the event. Security = Shards = style!

Read all about how you can get your hands on this fancy new cape, powerful buffs and more here!

Return To The Beach
Take a break from all the Fort Forinthry #drama

Fresh off building Fort Forinthry, holding back the undead, and with a vigilant eye toward what dark clouds are forming, we thought… hey, how about a break in the sun?

That’s right, summer’s here and the Beach is back! Lumbridge Crater has been transformed into a seasonal oasis where you can train your skills or just take it easy and soak up the summer holiday vibes.

Of course, some people can’t take a break without bringing their laptop to the sunlounger. Not that we’re judging - you’ve got a lot on! With that in mind, we’ve updated the portals to help you find your way to the Wilderness in time for flash events, or to jump to the Fort and continue with your Construction projects when the urge takes you.

We’ve also tweaked the experience rates of the various Beach events, so this is the perfect way to gain levels - and also an easy way to gather up Shards for your Golden Cape!

Grab your shovels and buckets and head down to the beach from today (May 30th) until June 26th.

RuneScape Spring Survey Winners

We recently had our Spring survey and you all came out in droves to let us know your feedback! As mentioned in the initial post 20 participants have won £20 shopping vouchers and so here is a list of the winners!

explodn Malitaar Quest Legend Dedogz97 C0urtneyy
Olvesh Half pint100 Kaizo1998 Guardian72 UnHooked66
I AM ZORBBA Daytones Aquarius142 Saryk slayfresh
maddemon123 qscdude Kiba Thisguy Yea Pizza

Thank you all for your time and assistance with this survey, we will be looking to doing more surveys in future so keep an eye out for them! To all the winners you will be contacted in the coming days via your account email with how to avail of your rewards.

Treasure Hunter Calendar
What's up next?

Starts June 1st | Ends June 5th | Vault of Riches

The Vault of Riches is set to open once more, and this time you'll be able to pick yourself up some very snazzy suits. Collect the Emerald, Ruby and Diamond suits to unlock the most dapper of them all - the Gold Suit!

Patch Notes
Fixes and improvements in this week's game update


  • The player now needs at least three empty Backpack spaces when exchanging Mole Skins.
  • Fixed an issue where Chargebows always consumed Saradomin, Guthix and Zamorak arrows on normal attacks and added the 10% hit effect to those God arrows regardless of the used bow.
  • The 'Can I Offer You An Egg In This Trying Time?' achievement can now be unlocked while boosting the Firemaking stat to the required level.
  • Fixed an issue with Slayer Wildcards not being consumed when killing a Slayer Monster from an assigned task with a kill count of 0.

The Beach

  • New portals have been added for Wilderness Flash Events and Fort Forinthry, replacing some previous portals.
    • The Fort Forinthry portal will automatically teleport you to the latest content added, so no matter where you left off, you'll be at the next logical step on your journey.
  • Increases to Construction/Fishing/Strength experience gains from various events.
  • Cooking XP has been rebalanced to lower the gains at early levels while keeping it consistent at the higher levels.
  • Farming and Dungeoneering XP now scale to 120 and have been rebalanced to accommodate.
  • Reduced the complexity of the Coconut Shy (Ranged XP) and Hook-a-Duck (Hunter XP) events and rebalanced their experience rates.

The latest goings-on from our community

Community Showcase

In between chathead conversations, Airch has created this beautiful embroidered Moia!
@Accensis with another batch of fantastic casted statues of a few of your favourite Gods. Bow down!
@VialOfIvy has been making some wonderful RuneScape inspired wallpapers, check them out!


@Letsdiscussrs chats with The RS Guy about the upcoming changes to the Fractured Staff of Armadyl, and what they mean for players.
@InitYeah ranks the RuneScape bosses from Easiest to Hardest. Do you agree with the list?

Scapers' Screenshots

AscensionalArk casually messing with forces they cannot control...
Plegsi taking a moment to chill and relax in beautiful Iaia...
...and oh Lily ♡ has been making some enemies! Uh-oh!

Pink Skirts Player Events

Each week the Pink Skirts put on a selection of fun activities that everyone can join. Here are the main events this week:

Summer fun! Skill & Chill at the beach

  • Hosted by: RuneScape
  • Date/Time: Friday June 2nd, 18:00 Game Time
  • World:
  • Location:
  • FC: Ahelp

Penguin Tour

  • Hosted by: Miss Misty
  • Date/Time: Wednesday May 31st, 20:00 Game Time
  • World: 60
  • Location: Edgeville Bank
  • FC: Miss Misty

Town Square Q&A

  • Hosted by: Princess Rae
  • Date/Time: Saturday June 3rd, 23:00 Game Time
  • World: 3
  • Location: Varrock West Bank

If these don't take your fancy, take a look at the full events schedule here. There’s sure to be something you’ll enjoy!

Community Spotlight


Saturday June 3rd - 21:00 Game Time - World 23

Get ready to dig out your cutest summer outfits and join the FashionScapers over at the Summer Beach Event for a seasonal themed Skill 'n' Chill! Make new friends, have fun and clock some fresh outfit inspiration! Portable skilling stations will be available near the Bank Chest.

- The RuneScape Team

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