Necromancy: Community Feedback Update - #2
Lanterns up, 'Scapers!
We're back for another week of Community Feedback for Necromancy. The Necromancy team are still hard at work, collaborating closely with the Community team to ensure we're hearing your feedback and making tweaks and fixing any issues that arise!
What's the Necrotic News?
This blog is designed to inform you on issues that the Necromancy development team are actively investigating, working on, or have addressed based on Community feedback. We're utilising these blogs as a way to keep you updated on the issues we're tracking, what we're working on and what's been resolved.
This is the second weekly update, for last week's update, including lots of fixes you might have missed last week, please check here:
Issues from the Immaterial
If you're looking to report a bug or issue, please check this list, each week, to see if we're already tracking your issue in the list below. On desktop browsers, you can search with Ctrl+F, and most mobile browsers have a "Find in Page" option in the additional options in the top browser bar.
If you're not seeing the issue listed below, please log a bug report in-game by pressing Escape, and clicking "Report Issue" in the bottom left corner of the options window, then click "Report a Bug", the right-hand button. The community team are also monitoring our social spaces across Discord, Reddit, Twitter and Meta platforms.
Catacombs and Categories
What are the issues we're looking at? We'll be categorising these issues into four brackets. These are:
Players have raised this feedback or reported this issue occurring, and the development team are currently investigating. If it is an issue, the team will investigate how, or if, this can be resolved.
Not every issue can be resolved via hotfix (applied without a server restart) so some of these issues will need to be applied during weekly updates on Mondays.
Success! The issue has been resolved in the live game at the time of this article's publication.
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Some issues raised will not require fixes, or cannot be verified or replicated by the development team. Additional context will be provided about these particular issues where possible.
As of Friday, August 18th, the following topics have been raised:
- Hermod / Rasial don't trigger luck messaging.
- Death Skulls can double dip on damage buffs (We like damage ramping, so may look to find a solution that's appropriate)
- Dodging an attack can fail to cause auto-retaliate.
- Conjuring / Commanding out of combat can cost 0 adrenaline (Considering rebalances of their adrenaline costs to keep some of this functionality)
- Necromancy Lanterns are sometimes held improperly.
- Death Mark causing niche issues (killing immune targets).
- We're aware of some issues affecting Death Skulls that are preventing it from bouncing.
- We're looking into extending the time out duration for recasts of spectral scythe and displaying the info to the player.
- We're continuing to monitor the adrenaline cost and use of abilities.
- We're looking into a better way to display 'Necrosis' on the player.
- We're looking into giving you better control over whether you want your 'Command' abilities to be triggered when using revolution.
- We're looking into various niche issues that can occur with the 'Death Mark' incantation.
- We're aware that spirits can sometimes get trapped behind certain areas and scenarios. They suddenly lose their brains!
- We're looking into possible Spectral Scythe issues due to attack range.
- We're aware of potential confusion with how the 'Blood Siphon' ability functions and discussing solutions.
- Adding a warning when attempting to start a ritual with a depleted alteration glyph.
- Looking into changing the effect of protection glyphs.
- Aware that Bik book does not work with rituals.
- Adding a suffix to the naming of the Deathwarden, Deathdealer, and Death Skull items to make it clearer what tier they are.
- The Super Necromancy Potion will now require 5 Congealed Blood and a vial of Spirit Weed. Spooky and goopy.
- We'll continue to monitor Congealed Blood numbers and may increase or decrease the number coming into the game if necessary.
- Tier 70+ Death guard's special attack 'Death Grasp' will no longer fail to cast on Kree'arra/aviansie.
- The Death Skulls ability will now correctly ready Death Spark when using the Death Essence special attack from the Omni Guard.
- Bloat's total duration has been shortened (same damage, just faster)
- Icthlarin now uses his most recent model when you meet him in the City of Um. Pupgrade.
- We've added a new Bank Preset Name: "Necromancy - Rituals”.
- The 'Darkness' Incantation's duration has been increased from 4 minutes to 12 minutes.
- The rune cost of Darkness has been increased to account for this.
- 'Darkness' Incantation will no longer be cleared when teleporting to certain locations.
- Reduced the Rune Cost of the 'Invoke Death' Incantation.
- Necromancy abilities can no longer benefit from the Greater Fury ability's critical strike buff.
- Melee, Ranged and Magic abilities can once again benefit from the Meteor Strike, Incendiary Shot and Tsunami ability's adrenaline boosting buff while we investigate more meaningful changes to these abilities that maintain value for experienced combat players but avoid unnecessary complexity for those less experienced.
- The Necromancy Basic Attack will now correctly be cast when using revolution after interacting with the inventory.
- Players now no longer need to path through the zoo to get to the Necromancer's tower.
- The 'Boaters All the Way Down' achievement can now be completed with a gilded boater.
- Conjured spirits will no longer forcefully close interfaces.
- Using the Blood Reaver's special ability will no longer stall the player if they are in a combat stance.
- Updated Bart's examine to a far superior suggestion. Cheers all!
- The 'Are These Meant to Be Squishy?' medium City of Um area task has been renamed to 'Tis Merely a Flesh Rune'.
- Unavailable focus objects in the ritual selection interface now use a grey colouring, for higher contrast against the available focus objects.
- The fixed camera angle for the ritual site has been adjusted to give better view of the components behind the pedestal.
- The front two ritual light source spots have been moved, to clear a path between the ritual platform and the pedestal. Note that some of your light sources may now be in different places.
- The materials required to repair a ritual component are now listed in the error message.
- Added messaging when attempting to repair all on a component you don't meet the level requirements to repair.
- Clicking away from the ritual platform before starting no longer force-walks players back to the platform.
- Other player's pets will now consistently not be visible at the ritual site. Get that cat out of the way!
- Teleporting to the ritual site via the Tome of Um, with fixed camera view on, will now show the ritual site correctly.
- We've made several improvements to ritual random events - deep breath, here goes:
- Added smoke clouds when spawning wandering soul, shambling horror, and corrupt glyphs.
- Added passive audio to soul storm and defile.
- Added spawn audio to shambling horror and corrupt glyphs.
- Added success audio to shambling horror, corrupt glyphs, and soul storm.
- Added audio when the defile pool crackles.
- Increased the brightness of the wandering soul and shambling horror.
- Slowed down the speed of the wandering soul.
- Changed the pop-up text when clicking on the shambling horror to chatbox only.
- Tweaked the shambling horror so you can continue to guess on ritual components after failing, without having to reclick the horror.
- Moved pop up text when random events spawn, and despawn, to appear over the random event, rather than in the middle of the screen. Can't miss it!
- Improved funkiness with forcewalk when doing random events.
- You can no longer talk to Netty's skeleton that was spawned by another player.
- Fixed a stretching issue with Lord Yudura in a cutscene during the quest 'Remains of the Necrolord'.
- Wandering Souls can be dismissed during Rituals when op'd without need to re-op.
- Targeting an NPC while using Necromancy and revolution will now prioritise using an ability over the basic attack.
- Added messaging that says how much of the focus object is left in the focus storage when used.
- Added messaging when failing to get United Barrows Necroplasm by failing the puzzle door.
- Duplicate entries in the quest journal of the Tomes of the Warlock quest have been amended.
- Picked up regular ashes will now be transported to Bank, while wearing Tome of Um 1 or Tome of Um 2.
- Bonecrusher now triggers if activated while Tome of Um auto-storage is also active, but the ritual storage is full.
- The issue with some cosmetic Auras not being visible while the skilling Auras are active has now been fixed.
- Made several changes to the Nihil summoning familiars:
- Updated the Ice Nihil to a Necromancy familiar (was previously magic).
- All familiar Nihils are now 112 combat.
- Fixed an issue with a missing accuracy modifier for Necromancy (players were unaffected by e.g., 'stagger').
- Fixed an issue with the Smoke & Ice nihil's base stats.
- The Omni Guard passive effects maximum stacks has been reduced from 6 to 5.
- The Omni Guard special attack adrenaline cost has been reduced from 50% to 30%.
- The Death Skulls ability will now correctly ready Death Spark when using the Death Essence special attack from the Omni Guard.
- The Dragonkin Bones model on the ritual pedestal no longer uses the Rune Dragon Bones model.
- Added a Bank PIN to the Ritual Chest. Spiritual Security.
- Tomes of the Warlock now correctly points the player to Dr. Nabanik by proper name, depending on quests completed.
- The Remy familiar override no longer deforms when using a Hellhound summon in an attack.
- Depositing All into the focus storage will no longer give an error message.
- All augmented Necromancy armour and weapons properly drain Divine Charges when used in combat.
- Fixed a typo in the chat message that appears when deactivating the Lesser and Greater Bone Shield Incantations.
- Fixed a typo in one of the Hermod, the Spirit of War quickchat messages.
- Master Skiller can now only be completed with 120 Necromancy, and all other required skills at their max level.
- The broadcast messages from your friends about the maximum virtual level in all skills, as well as the maximum combat level, should now be correct.
- Various messages in regard to the combat bonuses from the Reaper Crew achievement have been updated to include Necromancy.
- Cannons are no longer included in the Hit Chance calculation on the Target Information panel of a monster.
- For the quest Tomes of the Warlock, players can now hand in all tomes at once - or hand them in individually if they prefer.
- Direwolf stats have been corrected.
- The Combat XP row in Runemetrics now includes Necromancy.
- Fixed an issue with Nex: Angel of Death pillars caused by Necromancy spirits.
- Fixed an issue where, if clearing a depleted alteration glyph while another alteration glyph was active, the alteration value would be unnecessarily removed again.
- We've removed some player-made ritual disturbances. This is sacred ground!
- You can no longer drop items on the ritual platform.
- You can no longer place hunter traps on the ritual site.
- You can no longer rest, perform emotes, or transmogrify within the vicinity of ritual components.
- The shambling horror's target now has green smoke to identify it, rather than sparkles.
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No new issues arose that we have closed.
Please remember:
- This is not an exhaustive list of everything the development team are currently working on. If an issue has been listed above, that does not necessarily mean it has been ignored.
- If an issue is added to ⏳ AWAITING PATCH ⏳ this does not mean it will be addressed in the next patch but will be included in an upcoming patch. Please continue to check the weekly patch notes section in the This Week in RuneScape articles for details.
Bug fixes aren't the only thing we'll be working on during the season of Necromancy! Larger updates are on the way, and you can read more about them in our Journey Begins update.
Until next week: skill on, you crazy Necromancers!