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Morytania Madness | Plushies | Myreque Memorial

Written by Rider on . Posted in RuneScape News

It’s Morytania Madness this week in a pre-release event for the upcoming quest, River of Blood. Hunt down haunted plushies and honour the vampire-hunting dead while you relive the vampyre storyline so far. Early bird bonuses on Memorial to the Myreque offer tons of extra XP for members who complete the content early. Combat players can also sharpen their stakes with glee and take on a new ghoul in a new tomb, seeking out a new item too.

Read on for more!

As it takes place in Morytania, this pre-release event is RuneScape members only. We strongly recommend that members play through or revisit the Myreque quest series alongside this event to get the most out of it and prepare for River of Blood.

The Lost Toys | Vampyre Plushie Hunting

Talk to Lex in the pub in Canifis to begin. You must have at least completed the Myreque quest In Search of the Myreque for Lex and the plushies to appear.

Dreadful rumours are circulating about 13 possessed plushie toys that are waiting to be discovered across Morytania! Get clues to the locations of each of these by talking to Lex in the pub in Canifis. Some plushies are located in areas you visit in Myreque-quests, so play through the series or revisit them to pick them up!

Each plushie can be squeezed to hear its unique and demonic personality and also to receive a shiny columbarium key, so be sure to have your headphones switched on! Return all 13 plushies to Lex to complete this part of the event and earn a special, cosmetic surprise.

Memorial to the Myreque | Early Bird Bonus

Talk to Veliaf north of the Canifis lodestone. You must have completed all of the Myreque quest series up to and including Lord of Vampyrium to begin building the memorial.

The brave Veliaf needs your help to build a memorial to remember the sacrifices that precede River of Blood. Gather materials, construct the monument and every day you can build a new statue to each of the 10 fallen Myreque heroes that it depicts.

You will earn Construction XP for building each of these statues as well as Prayer XP when you complete each one by adorning it with an object of reverence. Return and talk to Veliaf each day to add a new statue.

You can also receive an early bird bonus of more than 100,000 XP in total if you complete all 10 statues on the memorial between now and 23:59 on 30 April. This XP will be given across the Skills that receive XP rewards in all the Myreque quests so far. Note that you also have the option to reject being awarded any combat XP from this early bird bonus, should you wish to.

Ravenous Ghouls | New Crypt| Congealed Blood – useful quest item

A new ghoulish crypt has been added north-west of the Canifis lodestone with a new enemy type, the high-level ravenous ghoul.

Ravenous ghouls might not prove to be too daunting when fought one-on-one, but with the release of River of Blood you will be able to awaken a greater bloodlust in them by equipping the upcoming pocket-slot items...


Many creatures around Morytania (but especially this new one) now have a chance to drop Congealed Blood – an item that will be used with the rewards for River of Blood.

Graphical Updates to Morytania | Storyline Recaps| Patch Notes

Paterdomus temple and Canifis have been graphically updated. Ghouls have also been given a new lease of un-life with updated visuals and re-mappings to north-east of the divination crater. The Ghoul Champion has been graphically updated too.

For a recap of the storyline in the Myreque quest-line so far, talk to the children, Amelia or Rory, in north-west Burgh de Rott.

That’s not all though. For a full list of changes that this update brings, along with all other notes see the patch notes forum thread.

This week's live streams

Each week we stream developer Q&As, in-game events and more. Watch our streams and find a full streaming schedule on our Twitch channel

has recap videos of streams you may have missed, like a
, and loads more! Here’s this week’s plan:

Tuesday, April 12th| 16:00 Game Time | Developer Q&A – River of Blood (Vampyre Finale)

Graphical updates, plushies, then one epic finale. We'll be answering any questions you have about our final Myreque quest, River of Blood, on the sofas this Tuesday. Post your questions about anything Vampyre-related on the forums, Reddit, or by using #RSDevQA on Twitter!

Tuesday, April 12th | 20:00 Game Time | Mod Shauny takes on Vindicta!

Can Shauny defeat the mighty Vindicta, our foreboding Zarosian general? We're sure that, with your help, he can! Tune in and join him in-game to take part.

Sunday, April 17th | 19:00 Game Time | PvM with Mod Lee

Mod Lee will be hosting his regular community PvM goodness live on Twitch.

In Other News

Pack Yak Plushie Pre-Order | IRL! | Official Merch Store

From today, this fabulous pack yak plushie can be yours to be pre-order IRL! A lot of plushies have been going into game recently, and it’s about time that the official merchandise store got with the program. Baroo! Baroo!



Have a great week!

The RuneScape Team