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Treasure Hunter | Build A Beach

Written by Rider on . Posted in RuneScape News

Prepare yourselves - the beach is coming!

Starting from 00:00 UTC on 11th August, Treasure Hunter will be filled with lots of beach goodies to get you ready for the release of the Beach next week.

Please note: This will only last until Monday’s update so move quickly to make the most of the beach build up!

There are also daily in-game activities to help get the Beach ready for the ultimate party in the sun, and earn rewards while you’re at it. Head to Lumbridge Crater now and speak to Reyna to get started.

Mystery Boxes and New Parasols

Mystery boxes are back, and this time they’re packed with parasols, cocktail shakers and other Beach-related goodies.

Deliver 20 buckets of sand to Reyna in Lumbridge Crater each day to be rewarded with a normal-sized mystery box. Do this every day, and you’ll be rewarded with an additional large mystery box, which are also available from Treasure Hunter.

Our new beach parasols!.

The new parasols can be won from Treasure Hunter and also obtained from large mystery boxes. Individual parasols are tradeable and can be exchanged on the GE, so make sure you get trading to collect them all!

Once you have collected one of each type of parasol, you can combine them all to create a non-tradeable black parasol. The new parasol can be recoloured via a right click option to take on the appearance of any of the individual parasols, as well as the new black parasol colour.

Our new beach parasols!.

Cocktail Shakers

Cocktail shakers are now also available on Treasure Hunter!

These stackable items can be used to gain XP in Herblore and Cooking.


Have fun collecting the parasols and enjoy getting into the holiday spirit!

Like it? Love it? Give us your feedback over on the forums.

The RuneScape Team

What is Treasure Hunter?

Treasure Hunter is playable from within RuneScape, allowing players to use Keys to claim in-game items as prizes. These range from useful resources to rare weapons and exclusive gear.

Playing Treasure Hunter is simple - click the treasure chest icon that pops up when you log in. If you've not played before, just follow the on-screen guide.

Everyone gets at least one Key per day, and RuneScape members get two. You can earn more Keys while playing the game, or stock up by redeeming Bonds.

If you'd like more, you can also buy Keys on the website, or by clicking 'Buy Keys' within the Treasure Hunter interface in-game.