Customer Support Week – Level Up Your Account Security & Earn Rewards
It’s Customer Support Week! From now until 23:59 UTC on 9th October there will be loads going on both in game and offline. Join in the fun to find out how to easily secure your account and pick up great rewards in the process – you might even win 12 months of membership!
Celebrate the start of the week with a live stream today - 3rd of October at 17:00 UTC - on the RuneScape Twitch channel where you can also play a themed version of The Drop.
Here are the top things you can do this week to get the most out of staying secure:
Meet Count Check – clue scrolls & reward caskets
The in-game hub of Customer Support Week is a new character called Count Check. Have a chat with the fanged fella by the Burthorpe lodestone to find out how secure your account is.
Receive a free XP lamp for your troubles and return to him every day during the week to pick up a new clue scroll. Each clue scroll will test your skills to the max, but also has a twist. Upon completing a clue you’ll receive two prize caskets – one opens with ease, the other is locked. Only the adventurers with the most secure accounts can unlock this second casket. Do so by enabling a bank PIN and activating the Authenticator.
There are a total of seven clue scrolls, meaning you can get up to 14 awesome caskets if your account is as secure as it can be.
Please note that free players will be only be able to access free-to-play items from Easy clue scroll drop tables. Members can receive rewards from Easy, Medium or Hard clue scroll drop tables, with rewards that scale at higher total skill levels.
Don’t worry if you miss a day - you can head back to Count Check any day during the week to claim any scrolls you’ve missed. You can then complete each one whenever you like.
Count Check will leave Burthorpe lodestone for a new location from 23:59 UTC on Sunday 9th October. He will still be available to talk to about account security and will give you an XP lamp if you didn’t pick it up during Customer Support Week. However, he will not be giving any missed clue scrolls at this point.
Watch the live stream and play a special version of The Drop
Tune in to the RuneScape Twitch channel at 17:00 UTC on Monday 3rd October to watch a special Customer Support Week live stream.
The stream will mark the debut of a support-themed version of The Drop which then becomes playable every day in game by talking to Count Check at the Burthorpe Lodestone until 23:59 on Sunday 9th October.
Answering all 12 questions correctly will grant you the title of “The Knowledgeable” plus one entry to win an awesome RuneScape goody bag. Note that only one entry will be given per account, even if you win the quiz multiple times.
The winner of the goody bag will be informed on Thursday 13th October by an in-game inbox message.
Get more daily Treasure Hunter Keys with Bank PIN and Authenticator
If you have either the Authenticator or a Bank PIN enabled, you will get 1 additional Key every day of Customer Support Week.
If you have both enabled, then it will be 2 additional Keys!
This is for both free-to-play and RuneScape members. Enjoy!
Win 12 months of membership!
Simply having a Bank PIN enabled during Customer Support week enters you automatically for a draw to win a year’s membership. The winner will be announced on Thursday 13th October via an in-game inbox message.
Check out all the other things that are going on this week
Additionally, the Stronghold of Security has also been updated with new questions.
Better still, there’s loads more going on this week offline too, including daily JMod events, Reddit & Forum Q&As , a funky Friday live stream and a Twitter ‘Day in the Life’.
Check out our state of the nation post to learn more about the work we do behind the scenes and for a full calendar of everything that’s going on this week and when.
Enjoy Customer Support week!
The Customer Support Team
Patch Notes
Check out this week's patch notes on the forum.
This week's live streams
Watch streams and find a full streaming schedule over on the Twitch channel. Check
, too, for videos you may have missed like many of our RuneFest talks - including some exclusives from the Second Stage.This week, however, it’s all about October. Halloween, all-new Arc islands and more!
Tuesday, October 4th| 16:00 Game Time | October Q&A
As the nights draw in and leaves begin to fall, October is nearly upon us. However, you guys won't notice because you'll be too busy getting stuck into all the awesome content we have planned!
As well as an epic Halloween, you can expect the complete selection of Arc islands to explore, and the long-awaited release of Bounty Hunter.
We'll be discussing all of them on Tuesday so post any questions you have about either of these things on the forums, Reddit, or by using the #RSQA hashtag on Twitter.
Friday, October 7th | 20:00 Game Time | Update preview with Mod Shauny
Find out what you can expect from Monday’s patches and more with Mod Shauny, this Friday night.
Sunday, October 9th| 18:00 Game Time | PvM with Mod Lee!
Mod Lee will be hosting his Community PvM goodness live on Twitch.
In Other News
Winner of the trip to Jagex HQ - Summer Raffle
Congratulations to Razor159753 who has just won the trip to Jagex HQ from the summer raffle. Well done!
RuneFest highlights are now on YouTube
Just a friendly reminder that RuneFest 2016 highlights are
. So if you get a quiet moment this week, you may wish to check out some of our 2017 plans and more!