RuneGuru Forum Changes
Over the next 72 hours some design and structural changes will occur on the RuneGuru forums to make your visit there more enjoyable and simple.
As such the forums may be inaccessible while the changes are put into place. No content or account data will be lost or disrupted by this work.
UPDATE (8th September 2015): Most of the above scheduled design changes have taken place, however further work is to be undertaken to change the structure of the forum. Again, no data loss or disruption is anticipated and the forums will be fully usable while the work is completed.
List of work undertaken so far:
- Colour re-work of Forum chat feature
- Forum Moderators and Founders on the Forum now have different post backdrop colour to denote their position on the board.
- Rework of Forum icon designs
List of work to be undertaken:
- Increase the title border height
- Streamline the Forum colours
- Reposition the title text for each Forum
- Removal and replacement of news Forum
- Removal and replacement of header image.
- Rework of User rank icons.