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RuneGuru RuneScape TeamSpeak Disruption

Written by Mark 4785 on . Posted in RuneNation News

This is a brief message to indicate that RuneGuru is aware of the intermittent connectivity issues that have occurred with our TeamSpeak service between 2:00 am and 3:40 am GMT. The cause is currently being queried with our provider.

An update will be posted below when we know more.


UPDATE (19/11/15): Our Teamspeak service is currently experiencing issues due to an external network attack known as a distributed denial of service (DDOS) which involves the attacker sending a multitude of malformed communication packets to our Teamspeak server at a rate and degree that causes the server to stop functioning adequately. This does not represent a security issue in any shape or form to our community.

UPDATE (22/11/15): The DDOS network attack has now ended.