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RuneNation OSRS Skilling Competition 8

Written by Mark 4785 on . Posted in RuneNation News

The 8th RuneGuru OSRS Skilling Competition has been put together by Hustler Goon!

Our Skilling Competitions allow members of our Community to select a non-combat skill that they would like to gain XP for and once this is chosen by popular vote, participating members in the competition must battle it out to obtain the most XP in a 7-day period for this chosen skill in order to be in with a chance of gaining a high score or even the top prize!


Click Here to Vote for a Target Skill 



Skilling Competitions Explained, by Hustler Goon:


"How it works
For those of you who are new to our skilling competitions this is how it works.

The aim of the game is to gain the most experience in a chosen skill in 1 week. The recognised finishing places are 1st, 2nd, 3rd and most levels gained in the week in the skill so that lower levels can be recognised too. The competition is tracked using the CrystalMathLabs tracker website and the competition can always be found there as well as by following a link posted here. The skill for the competition is chosen by the clan using a poll which will be up for at least a week before the competition starts. The poll is made up of 3 possible skills which have been chosen by the top 3 previous competition leaders.

To enter the competitions you must be a clan member this means that you must be registered on RuneGuru and have let me know your interested by replying to the competition thread.


Sometimes there are prizes to be won for the 4 recognised competitors. Prizes can only be provided if donations are made to the "competition pot" by clan members. Donations to the pot must be made on the competition thread with a note of the amount. There is no requirement to donate to the pot and this is entirely optional as winning the competition should be a prize in itself. Donations for competitions should only be made to a Clan Leader or an Events Leader.

Skilling Competition Take 8

I really enjoyed our last competition in Runecrafting and I think it was fairly successful. Strawman stole the show and J T S came 2nd and Evirgin came 3rd whilst Vamp gained the most levels. View the spoiler below for a complete summary of the standings.
As ever the poll options for the next competition have been chosen by the top 3 players from the last competition. The poll will last for a week until 17/06/2016

Competition Pot

Hustler Goon: 500k"