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Bow Strings

Written by Epicvoid on . Posted in OSRS Flipping


  • 10 crafting 
  • 15k- Aprox Prices may change(unless picking own flax)

Cash Gains

A Run Takes 1.15mins each time you bank (you can get this with practice)

This means in 1hr you can do 48 runs

Which is 1334 Flax spun per hour.

If you buy this 1334 its a 14700gp

If you manage 48runs an hour you can sell the bow string for 123k-Aprox

So remove the 14.7k from the total

And you get 109.3k Gains /hr .

Xp Gains

Each Flax gives 15 crafting xp

A run of 28 gets you 420(Blaze it) Crafting Xp 

So 48 runs gives. 20,160 Crafting Xp 

So you gain 20,160 Crafting Xp /hr .


Take out 28 Flax from the bank On the Top floor on lumbridge Castle.



Take the West stairs down a floor and enter the room with a spinning Wheel logo on the mini map.



Spin the wheel and Right click the bowstring and Click X Number to make then type 28.



Wait for the flax to spin into bowstring.



Walk back the way you walked to the bank the way you came and bank all the bowstring 



Repeat steps as above to gain Cragting xp And cash easyly!


Enjoy Your Cash!