Low Level Moneymaking with Darkness of Hallowvale
This requires questing until you have the requirements to start Darkness of Hallowvale.
- Completion of In Aid of the Myreque
- 5
- 20
Mining (not boostable)
- 22
- 26
- 32
- 33
- 40
I was doing this on my low-level account daily to earn my first mils in OSRS.
You teleport to burgh-de-rot via the shades of morton mini-game teleport (there are other methods as well) and travel to trader Sven in Meiyerditch and buy 8 complete sets of Vyrewatch outfits from him. Links to these items:
- Vyrewatch outfit (legs, top and shoes) as disguise, can be bought for 1950 coins from Trader Sven.
- https://imgur.com/a/YjLsW <- Location of store
The set will cost you 1950 coins and can be sold on the ge for 8-16k. They sell so well because most quest guides recommend purchasing the outfit as it makes the quest easier.
You can do a single run in under 10 mins. for 6k-14k profit per set or 48k-112k per inventory. Which works out to approximately 300k to 672k per hour.