Nature Rune Running
Running nature runes can be useful for anyone who is looking to make a bit of extra cash. There are no requirements other than level 44 runecrafting to craft nature runes however having a fairly decent combat level, agility level and weight reducing gear is recommended depending on the route being used to the nature altar. Below are the main two popular methods used, the dedicated world for this is 336 which offers double nature runes to anyone that runs the essence. During busy days there are often lines, however there are often two to three crafters when there are lots of runners or long lines. If there are lines, runners must wait their turn before trading the crafter. Crafters in world 336 will always be wearing yellow/golden robes, so you can know who to trade. Once inside the altar, two nature runes will be given for each pure essence given to the crafter.
General Store Method:
- None however energy potions and food may be useful for lower levels, and anti-poison potions if there are no players killing the tribesmen.
Items Needed:
- Nature talisman or tiara
- Coins for un-noting pure essence
- Weight reducing gear such as graceful outfit, boots of lightness, penance gloves, spotty or spottiers cape.
This method is quite common for lower levels due to no quest or skill requirements. Runners will carry bulk amounts of noted pure essence and some coins which are used to un-note the essence at the general store north of Tia Bwo Wannai Village. After un-noting, take the un-noted pure essence to the nature altar, enter, and trade any of the players who are crafting. After receiving the runes, head back to the general store and repeat until the desired amount of runes are obtained.
Abyss Method:
- Abyss mini quest
- Decent combat stats
Items Needed:
- Weight reducing gear such as graceful outfit, boots of lightness, penance gloves, spotty or spottiers cape.
- Charged glory amulets
Items Recommended:
- Runecraft pouches
- 1-2 food
- Defensive armor
- Energy potions
- Either a pickaxe or a hatchet
After completing the mini quest, a new runecrafting route will be available; the abyss! Be warned this is a high risk method of running nature runes and you may loose items due to PKers in the wilderness. Do not bring gear that you are not willing to lose and bank your runes often in case you do die while in the wilderness. After entering the abyss you will be drained to 0 prayer points and become skulled. The skull means you will lose all items you are carrying upon death.
After gearing and preparing your inventory, leave the Edgeville bank then head north. Enter the wilderness and click the teleport option on the Zamorak mage. Once inside, be careful of the aggressive monsters and multi way combat while in the abyss. There will be various exists leading to the center of the abyss and runecraft altar rifts. These exits require having a little bit of skill to reduce failure however multiple attempts can be done until the entrance is unblocked to enter.
NOTE: Having around level 70 in the relevant skills will reduce failures on the abyss exists listed below.
- Boil - firemaking (requires a tinderbox, not recommended)
- Eyes - thieving
- Gap - agility
- Tendrils - woodcutting
- Rock - mining
Once in the center, locate the nature altar rift, enter, and trade any of the players crafting at the altar. After receiving the runes, use your glory amulet to teleport to Edgeville and bank. Repeat until the desired amount of runes has been obtained. Having lots of charged glory amulets for this method is recommended for efficiency.
Often runecraft pouches will decay, when this happens you can speak to or right click the dark mage located in the center of the abyss to repair them. NPC contact can also be used as an alternative to repair pouches if using the lunar spellbook.