Barrows Mid level guide
Meet the Author: 
An interesting mini game released in 2005 in old school Runescape.The overall objective of this mini game is to defeat all six bothers and reach the maximum loot at 100 percent for all loot table or least 80 percent for the drops of items of the barrows brother. The extra loot include dragon med helm, clues, and other misc. This is my guide to mid level barrows routine.
The items To wear for mid level
Helm: Black mystic/Seers fremnik helm
Neck: Fury/glory/power
Back: Mage cape/fire cape/obsidian cape
Body: Black Mystic/Xeric body
Legs: Black Mystic/Xeric Legs
Weapon: Trident of the sea's
Offhand: Book of darkness/Granite Shield
Hands: Barrows/Mystic
Boots: Black Mystic/Rock Climbing
Ring: Seers/Beserker/Warrior
Ammo: Broad/Addy Bolts
x1 Ava's
x1 Rune C'bow
X1 Black/Red Chaps
x1 Black/Red Body
x1 Dragon Scimitar
x1 Dragon Dagger
x6 Prayer pots
X1 or more Home teleport
x1 Spade
Rest Monkfish
Require Main Quests:
In Aid of the Myreque
Horror From the Deep
Desert Treasure
Required Stats:
66 Mage: Kharyll Teleport in House
50 Construction: Portal Chamber
Recommended Stats:
70+ Mage
60+ Range
60+ Base
50+ Construction
43+ Prayer
This image provides the maze map which can be difficult at first but you will get use to finding the opening door to the maze to get to the chest!
When you reach the maze doors you get 4 questions you will have to answer quickly here they are below:
I always do the route in this order Dhorak/Ahrim/Karil/Guthan/Torag/Verac.
This in my terms use the most and safest way of your prayers always safe a potion of prayer for Dharok most Dangerous hence why I do him first!
Statistics according to wiki:
This video (No-Audio) will be a single run of ten minutes me showing you how to do everything just follow my Pathing/prayer accordingly to each brother/how I reach 100 percent Loot possibility which is pretty simple! Basically if low anything after the run just restock. Hope you guys enjoyed my guide and see you out there!
P.S.- Verrac's can hit through prayer but with a reduction hence the food
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