CM Learner Raids CoX Guide

Written by mark4785 on . Posted in CoX Guides


Find preparation hints, tips and other details for defeating Tekton, Crabs, Scav, Ice Demon, Shamans, Vanguards, Thief, Vespula, Tightrope, Guardians, Vasa, Mystics, Muttadile and Olm.



/* Special Gear for Roles */

* Melee - Barrage Runes
* Runner - Humidify Runes
* Mage - Surge & Tome

* Someone bring ZGS

/* Room Order */

- Tekton
- Crabs
- Scav
- Ice Demon
- Shamans
- Prep
- Vanguards
- Theif
- Vespula
- Tightrope
- Guardians
- Vasa
- Mystics
- Muttadile
- Prep
- Olm

/* Supply Count */

- 75+ Juice
- 30+ Shroom
- 3+ Cicely

/* Pre-Raid */

- Divine Super Combat, 2 Angler
- Rush to Raid

/* Tekton */

- 3 DWH Specs must land or restart
- Kill in 3 phases or restart
- Don't use supplies, just die
- On kill, everyone sip Prayer Enhance, pick up both overloads

/* Crab */

- Don't suck, don't get fancy
- Mage gear on the way out

/* Scav */

* 1x Chopper
- Run straight past scavs, not your job
- Grab ax on way to chest
- Chop and Bank 3 FULL Inventories of kindling

* First Person to get plank drop is Looter *
* 1x Looter
- Grab Planks and make chest
- Deposit All into Private
- Pick up drops from dropper ( 75juice, 30mushroom, 3cicely )
- Call when done, grab tinderbox on way back to ice

* 1x Dropper
- Kill Scavs
- Pick up juice, mush, cic and drop it for the looter
- When Looter has everything, head to ice, grab tinderbox on way

/* Ice Demon */

* Everybody
- Deposit All
- Grab 1 inventory of kindling, and light a SEPARATE torch
- Withdraw All, Melee Gear on, Range Prayer
- 2 DWH Specs on Demon when it spawns

* 1x Runner
- After Specs, head to non safespot wall
- Dodge Ice Boulders

* 2x Safers
- After Specs, head to safespot wall
- Attack Style Priority: Fire Surge > Tbow > DHCB

/* Shamans */

* 1x Lurer
- Grab nearest lizard and attempt to get it to hop into corner
- Dodge Acid
- Meet Safers when lizard jumps
- Repeat for 2nd

* 2x Safers
- Run in straight to safe tile
- Do not attack lizard until it stops moving towards the Lurer
- Repeat for 2nd

/* Prep */

* 1x Potions ( HUMIDIFY )
- Deposit
- Bank 4 Full Inventories of Vials - HUMIDIFY ALL OF THEM
- As Buchu are deposited, make 3 Prayer Enhance, then 30 Revits
- Make Brews while heding to next chest

* 1x Farmer
- Plant 1 Buch, 1 Nox
- Deposit
- Pick 3 Nox, clear and plant Buchu
- Pick 2 Inventories of Buchu
- Make Brews while heading to next chest

* 1x Combo
- Deposit
- Bank 1 Full Inventory of EMPTY Vials
- Pick 2 Inventories of Buchu
- Make Brews while heading to next chest

[Set-up Inventory](
- 1x Ovl
- 1x Enh
- 3x Revit
- Rest Brews

/* Vanguards */

* Everybody
- Wait outside room behind the wall
- 1 Person triggers Vanguard Spawn, and rejoins group outside wall
- Overload, Enhance, Brew Up
- On Vanguard movement, enter room as group, head straight to your vanguard
- YOU MUST pick up Overloads, Kodai, Twisted, and Elder Potions

* Melee Vanguard --> DWH Spec, Melee Gear
* Range Vanguard --> Melee Gear
* Mage Vanguard ---> Range Gear

/* Thieving */

* Everybody
- Deposit
- Thief 16 Grubs per person (need 48 total)
- Deposit into trough at same time
- Make 5 Brews per person while scav is eating

[Set-up Inventory](
- 1x Ovl
- 4x Revit
- Rest Brews

/* Vespula */

* Redemption Method, kill portal *

[Quick Prayers](Redemption, Rigour)

* 1x Feeder
- Overload
- Hit portal on entering or else you have to feed grubs

* 2x Rangers
- Overload, wait for Feeder to go in a second or so beforehand

* Everybody
- Skip Potions, Skip Chest, Brew back up on way to rope

/* Tightrope */

* 1x On Magers
- Equip Range Gear, Blowpipe
- Prayer Mage, Augury
- Alternate attacking each mager, always keeping aggro ( 1, 2, 1, 2, 1... )

* 1x On Rangers
- Equip Anti-Range Gear, Mage Weapon/Off-hand
- Prayer Range, Rigour
- Barrage Rangers in clump and back to safe spot
- Do again for crosser to come back

* 1x Crosser (Highest Agility)
- Equip Anti-Range Gear
- Prayer Range, Rigour
- Cross when Rangers are barraged
- Pick-up keystone
- Cross back when Rangers are barraged
- Room ends when you use the keystone on wall

- 1x Ovl
- 1x Enh
- 3x Revit
- Rest Brews

/* Guardians */

* Everybody
- User Prayer Enhance on way to Guards
- First Person to each guardian, uses 1 DWH spec
- Complete as usual

/* Vasa */

* 1x Teleportee
- Overload, Enhance, don't brew, trigger Vasa
- Get teleported, 1 DWH Spec into Vasa
- Straight to 1st crystal

* 2x Normal
- Overload, Enhance, brew, wait for teleport
- Cross flames, pray mage, run under vasa
- Don't stand on top of the teleported player!
- 1 DWH Spec
- Don't be late to the crystal

* Crystal Priority: Rapier > Abyssal Dagger

* If you didn't get overloads from Vanguards, loot 1x Twisted


/* Mystics */

* Everybody
- As per usual, Salve on
- Don't be an idiot, these things hurt, only aggro 1 at a time


/* Muttadile */

* Everybody
- Overload (unless you did at mystics), brew up to full - these will hurt
- Stand on the safe spot on entry wall the whole time (by bells)

* Barrage small croc 40~50% HP
* ZGS big croc 50~60% HP

* Loot Overload and Enhance for Olm

* 1x Melee Hand
- Skips

* 1x Mage Hand
- As usual

* 1x Runner
- As usual