1-99 Fishing Guide
In this guide you will know the locations of the fishing area, What fish, and what levels to go to, also including what tools you need to bring. This 99 will take least a month or more on a slow method and maybe 2-3 weeks on the fastest method 12hrs+ a day.
Basic method
Levels 1-20 Catching Shrimp
Fish Shrimps at Draynor; southwest of the bank!
Items you will need: Small Fishing net
How many Catches-447
Fishing spot:
Levels 20-58/62 Fly fishing Trout/salmon
You fish Trout/Salmons at Barbarian Village to the east or Shillo Village
Items you will need: Feathers "per Catch" and a Fly fishing rod
How many Catches to 58- Expect around 4,500+ Catches
How many catches to 62- Expect around 5,500+ Catches
Fishing spot Barb:
Fishing Spot Shilo "Require Shilo Village quest":
Fast Method
Levels 58-99 Barb Fly Fishing
This Method is the fastest method to 99 fishing but you do not make any money here! With the new shift drop option this is killer exp per hr fishing. This requires the Barbarian Training to do this method. You fish these southeast of Barbarian Assault.
Items you need: Barbarian rod and about 200k Feathers
How many catches- 180k+ Catches
Barb Fishing Spot:
Alternative Method
Levels 62-99 Monk Fishing
I personally like this method the most but does require the quest swan song which is fairl easy with 43 prayer! Also it is decent money maker for fishing.
Items you need: Small fishing net
How many catches-105,839
Net gain if sold raw: 32m
You Fish these at Pictoris Colony:
This Is the Fast method but with an alternative with monks!
This next part of the guide is mainly for just money making it will get the job done but very slowly.
Do the same thing as shown about from Levels 1-40! Now onto the money making!
Levels 40-62 Catching lobsters
You will be catching these in Catherby village.
Item you will need: Lobster Cage
How many catches-3,296
Net gain if sold raw:932k
Catherby Fishing Spot:
Levels 62-76 Monk Fishing
Requires Swan Song quest
Items Needed: Small fishing Net
How many catches-8,358
Net gain if sold raw:2.5m
You Fish these at Pictoris Colony:
Levels 76-99 Fishing Catching Sharks
You will be fishing these at the fishing guild.
Items needed: Harpoon
How Many Catches-106,346
Net gain is sold raw: 92.7m
Located north of Ardougne/Fishing guild:
That concludes my 1-99 guide hope it helps with the most efficient timing as well as afk money making! Altogether net gain would be 100m+ at the current date 3/1/17 prices. This is my way to 99 I know there alternative but I would prefer these methods! Enjoy!