1-99 Firemaking Guide. (F2P and P2P)
Firemaking is arguably the most useless skill in the game, but you need to get it to 99 in order to max your stats. This guide will tell you the most efficient ways to get 99 FM. I will also be talking a little bit about Wintertodt. While there are many places to actually set your logs on fire, there are a few areas that are better than others. My personal favorite spot was the duel arena. It was right next to the bank and there were two lanes to light logs. Another great spot is the east side of Grand Exchange. I also use an app called Tkit for Old School Runescape by Austin Schiebel on my phone for all of my calculating needs. I highly recommend it. With that in mind, let's get started.
1-15: Normal Logs. Just buy normal logs.
15-30: Oak logs. Again, just buy oak logs.
30-45: Willow logs. Willow logs are so cheap, you can just keep buying them.
45-50/60/90/99: Maple logs. You should buy maple logs and go to any one of these levels. Level 50 is the requirement for Wintertodt. Its a skilling boss that allows you to make money while getting Firemaking xp. Level 60 is the requirement for Yew logs. Yews are fairly cheap and will get you to 90 fast. Level 90 is the requirement for Redwood logs. Redwood logs are only good for firemaking xp, so you should take advantage of how cheap they are. They are about 450k xp an hour, so I highly recommend them if you want 99 quick. Alternatively, you can just do maples to 99. Its cheap and easy, but not so viable anymore.
60-90: Yew logs. Buy yew logs until 90. If you have the extra money, I suggest doing it the old fashioned way.
90-99: Redwood logs. Buy redwood logs. This is the fastest firemaking xp in the game. If you want the 99 fast, this is the fastest method.
. This is a guide for Wintertodt. I highly suggest watching it because it would take too long for me to explain it. This is what I did for 99 and you should too. It is the most efficient way to get 99 fm and you will even make money doing it.Sidenote. At level 85 firemaking and 61 woodcutting, you can make the infernal axe. This axe allows you to burn 1/3 logs you chop while woodcutting. This is a very efficient way to get extra xp while doing nothing. I recommend doing this 100%.