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Exoskeletal's 1-99 Agility Guide

Written by Shiny Rhydon's on . Posted in OSRS Skill Guides

Hello, and welcome to my, Shiny Rhydons, 1-99 agility guide. In this guide I will be showing you the tips, tricks, and most efficient ways to get to 99 agility. This skill takes over 200 hours of gameplay to reach 99, and is a true grind for those that seek the Skill Cape. 



Here is a list of some useful items for agility: Agility Potion - +3 Boost


                                                             Summer Pie - +5 boost/10% run restore/11HP restore per bite


                                                             Energy/Stamina Potion- Run Restoration


                                                             Food of some kind- Falling = Damage :)



My tips and tricks for the grind:


1. Watch TV, Talk to some friends on Teamspeak/Skype/Any other voice chat program, or listen to music. Agility is a VERY monotonous skill, and at higher levels it can take nearly half a day to level up once. 


2. DO NOT use the Falador OR Relleka courses, they both have poor exp rates, and should not be used.


3. Here is a list of quests that will give you Agility Experience Rewards:



Gearing Up: The basic goal in gearing up for agility training is to be as light as possible, so weight reduction gear is a must here. This type of gear includes, Penance Gloves, Spotted Cape, Spottier Cape, Boots Of Lightness, and Full Graceful armor (Acquired with marks of grace.)



Marks Of Grace Explained: These amazing little items are what you strive to pick up while doing the rooftop agility courses listed below. These marks are currently priced at 7.8k each and appear randomly while running the courses. To cash these in, you'll need to go into the Rogues Den and talk to Grace. Your first couple marks of grace should be going torwards buying full Graceful, but after that you will be buying Packs Of Amylase to sell at the G.E for bank. It is rumored that at 99 Agility you will have around 4.3k Marks Of Grace, do the math ;)



And Finally, My Course Guide-


1-10 Gnome Agility Course

10-20 Draynor Rooftop Course

20-30 Al Kharid Rooftop Course

30-40 Varrock Rooftop Course

35-40 Barbarian Agility Course

40-49 Canifis Rooftop Course

49-60 Wilderness Agility Course

60-70 Seers' Village Rooftop Course

70-90 Pollnivneach Rooftop Course

90-99 Ardougne Rooftop Course



What about fishing???- There is a method of getting 31 agility, and then stopping to get 99 fishing. What am I talking about? Barbarian Fishing spots give you a small percentage of agility experience. Getting 99 fishing using this method will get you from 31-74 agility, which is a huge boost you have truly want to get 99 fishing this way.



Thank you for visiting and possibly using my 1-99 Agility Guide :) If you have any questions please feel free to contact me <3