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Goblin Diplomacy

Written by Raven Raven on . Posted in RuneScape Quests

Members/Free to Play:

  • Free to Play.

Quest Length:

  • Medium.

Quest Requirements:

  • None.

Skill Level Requirements:

  • None.

Items Required:

  • Blue dye and Orange dye.

Items Recommended:

  • If you are making your own dye: 2 Woad leaves for making Blue dye, 3 Redberries and 2 Onions for making Red and Yellow dye.
  • Some coins for paying Aggie to make the dye.

Quests Partly Unlocked or Unlocked After Completing Quest:

  • The Lost Tribe
  • Recipe for Disaster

Start Point:

  • Goblin Village, speak to either General Wartface or General Bentnose.


Starting Out:

To begin the quest make your way to Goblin Village, one of the quickest methods used to get to this location is the Falador lodestone teleport method, then following the path north until reaching the village. Once in the Village, locate either General Bentnose or General Wartface and attempt to speak to either of them in their hut in the northern area of the village. You will learn that they are debating over which armor color is the best. Offer to help them decide a new color which is not either red or green and they will accept your help. Having decided the first color, they will ask you to bring back some orange armor for them.


To obtain some Goblin mail, search the crates listed below in the following locations around the village.

  • Crate behind General Wartface and General Bentnose's hut.
  • Crate behind the western hut.
  • Climb up the western ladder near the entrance and search the crate in front of you.

Obtaining the Colored Armor:

This step may be skipped if you already have Orange dye and Blue dye.

Using the Draynor Lodestone teleport method, teleport then speak to Aggie in the center of the village. Ask Aggie to make you some Blue, Red and Yellow dye which will cost 5 coins each to make. Combine the Red and Yellow dye together to create Orange dye, then use on one of your Goblin mails to dye it orange. Use the Blue dye on another Goblin Mail to dye it blue and return to Goblin Village.

Note: if you are playing the Ironman game mode or do not already have the required items to make the dye, you can obtain the ingredients for each as described below.

  • Blue dye: Speak to Wyson the Gardener who is found in Falador park, offer him 20 coins and he will give you 2 Woad leaves for being generous.
  • Red dye: Pick 3 Redberries from the bushes located southeast of varrock.
  • Yellow dye: Pick 2 onions from the field located behind Draynor's bank.

Deciding What Color is Best:

Once finished using the Dye on the Goblin mails, return to the Goblin Village and speak with either General Bentnose or General Wartface. Inform them that you have the Orange goblin armor for them and a cut scene will appear with them asking grubfoot to try it on. Unhappy with the color, the generals will request trying blue armor instead. Next inform the generals that you have the Blue goblin mail, another cut scene will appear with the generals asking Grubfoot to try the armor on. Still unhappy with the color choice, they will request brown next. Inform the Generals that you have some brown armor and after Grubfoot tries it on, the Generals are now content with the color choice.

Once agreeing that brown armor is the best color, the Generals will reward you for your effort which will complete the quest. Congratulations!.
